Location: 3516 W. 26th Street, Chicago, IL

Contractor: RWE Management Company

E.I.F.S. Restoration

  • Furnish, set-up, maintain, dismantle, and remove all equipment (boom lift, tube scaffolding, ladders, hand tools, etc.) necessary for E.I.F.S restoration portion of the project.
  • Patch and refinish E.I.F.S at the north entrance, east return wall, south wall, and at west return wall as discussed as per visual inspection (up to 3,600 S.F. to be refinished).
  • Refinishing to consist of furnishing and installing new base, mesh, and finish coats over existing as necessary to match existing as close as possible. Color and texture to match existing as close as possible or new color and texture to be selected by owner.
  • Furnish and install caulking in those areas where new refinished E.I.F.S butts against dissimilar material or around openings (metal, masonry, wood, etc.) filling with a one-part polyurethane sealant (Sonneborn or equal).  Caulk color to match E.I.F.S color from Sonneborn standard colors or equal.
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