Elm Creek Townhomes
Location: 1 Elm Creek Court, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Architect: Antunovich Associates
Contractor: Nitti Development
CMU Masonry
- Furnish, set-up, maintain, dismantle and remove all equipment (forklift, tube scaffolding, ladders, hand tools, etc.) necessary for the masonry portion of the project.
- Furnish and install standard gray 8” CMU necessary for erecting new fire/separation walls between units. Block is to be installed in standard running bond using natural gray type ‘S’ mortar. Mortar joints are to be tooled concave, brushed and tooled to a final finish.
- Furnish and install fully grouted bond beam coursing at floor and roof joist bearing heights with two (2) grade 60 #5 rebar installed.
- Vertical reinforcement to one (1) grade 60 #5 rebar installed every 32” O.C. horizontally per structural drawings. CMU cores containing vertical reinforcing bars to be grouted solid.
- Horizontal reinforcement to be mill galvanized ladder type wire installed in masonry coursing every 16” O.C. vertically.
Stone Veneer
- Furnish and install 4” natural stone veneer on exterior of building and front columns as per drawings. Stone is to be installed in a random “ashlar” pattern using natural “buff” type ‘N’ mortar. Mortar joints are to be tooled concave, brushed and tooled to a final finish. Approximately 1,300 S.F. of stone to be installed.
- Furnish and install cast stone wainscot/window sills as per drawings. Approximately 280 L.F. of sill to be installed.
- Veneer to be anchored to substrate using one (1) two-piece adjustable anchor installed every 16” O.C. horizontally and vertically.
- Furnish and install 1” Mortar Net (or approved equal in wall cavity at the base of masonry walls as per drawings.
- Furnish and install 40mil self-adhesive flashing over a 1½” stainless at the base of stone veneer walls with plastic cell vent “weeps” installed in masonry head joints every 24” O.C.
- Furnish, set-up, maintain, dismantle and remove all equipment (forklift, tube scaffolding, ladders, hand tools, etc.) necessary for the masonry portion of the project.
- Furnish and install standard gray 8” CMU necessary for erecting new fire/separation walls between units. Block is to be installed in standard running bond using natural gray type ‘S’ mortar. Mortar joints are to be tooled concave, brushed and tooled to a final finish.
- Furnish and install fully grouted bond beam coursing at floor and roof joist bearing heights with two (2) grade 60 #5 rebar installed.
- Vertical reinforcement to one (1) grade 60 #5 rebar installed every 32” O.C. horizontally per structural drawings. CMU cores containing vertical reinforcing bars to be grouted solid.
- Horizontal reinforcement to be mill galvanized ladder type wire installed in masonry coursing every 16” O.C. vertically.