Lynch Dental
Location: 340 Lathrop Avenue, River Forest, Illinois
Architect: KLLM, Inc.
Contractor: RWE Management Company
Scope of work: New Masonry
- Furnish, set-up, maintain, dismantle and remove all equipment (forklift, tube scaffolding, ladders, hand tools, etc.) necessary for new masonry portion of the project.
- Furnish and install natural gray 4” CMU block and modular brick as necessary for erecting new 14’-0” tall masonry walls as per drawings. Brick and block is to be installed in standard running bond using natural gray type Smortar. Mortar joints are to be tooled concave, brushed and tooled to a final finish.
- Furnish and install 40-mil self-adhesive flashing with “weeps” installed in masonry head joints every 24” O.C. over openings and at the base of masonry walls.
- Horizontal reinforcement to be 8” hot-dipped truss wire installed in masonry coursing every 16” O.C. vertically.
- Furnish and install 3” thick stone copings at the top of new masonry walls as per drawings. Stone copings to be anchored down using stainless steel dowels.