Lumen Fox Valley-Phase II

195 Fox Valley Center Drive, Aurora, Illinois

Contractor: Focus Construction

Architect: HKM Architects + Planners

New Masonry


  • Furnish, set-up, maintain, dismantle and remove all equipment (forklift, tube scaffolding, ladders, hand tools, etc.) necessary for the masonry portion of the project.
  • Furnish and install standard gray 8” CMU necessary for erecting one (1) full masonry elevator shaft as per drawings. Block is to be installed in standard running bond using natural gray type ‘S’ mortar. Mortar joints are to be tooled concave, brushed and tooled to a final finish.
  • Furnish and install fully grouted bond beam coursing at floor bearing heights and at the top of masonry walls with two (2) grade 60 #5 rebar installed.
  • Vertical reinforcement to be one (1) grade 60 #5 rebar installed every 32” O.C. (16” O.C. where noted) horizontally with additional rebar installed at opening jambs per structural drawings. CMU cores containing vertical reinforcing bars to be grouted solid.
  • Horizontal reinforcement to be galvanized ladder type wire installed in masonry coursing every 16” O.C. vertically.
  • Install steel lintels, elevator hoist beam and elevator inserts furnished by others on project site.


  • Furnish and install standard gray 8” CMU necessary for erecting five (5) new masonry stairwells as per drawings. Block is to be installed in standard running bond using natural gray type ‘S’ mortar. Mortar joints are to be tooled concave, brushed and tooled to a final finish.
  • Furnish and install fully grouted bond beam coursing at floor bearing heights and at the top of masonry walls with two (2) grade 60 #5 rebar installed.
  • Vertical reinforcement to be one (1) grade 60 #5 rebar installed every 32” O.C. (16” O.C. where noted) horizontally with additional rebar installed at opening jambs per structural drawings. CMU cores containing vertical reinforcing bars to be grouted solid.
  • Horizontal reinforcement to be galvanized ladder type wire installed in masonry coursing every 16” O.C. vertically.
  • Install steel lintels and hollow metal door frames furnished by others on project site.


  • Furnish and install a combination of Aspen White Wirecut utility size face brick as manufactured by Glen Gery and Black Hills Smooth utility size face brick as manufactured by Sioux City Brick necessary to erect new masonry veneer walls as per drawings. Brick is to be installed in standard running bond using natural gray type ‘S’ mortar. Mortar joints are to be tooled concave, brushed and tooled to a final finish.
  • Install soldier and stack bond accents around openings in masonry as per drawings.
  • Furnish and install cast stone sills and copings at locations per drawings. Cast stone color is to be selected from manufacturer standard color series.
  • Veneer to be anchored to substrate using one (1) two-piece adjustable anchor every 16” O.C. horizontally and vertically.
  • Install steel lintels furnished by others on project site.
  • Furnish and install Mortar Net (or equal) in wall cavity at the base of masonry walls and over openings in masonry as per drawings.
  • Furnish and install 40mil self-adhesive flashing over a 1½” stainless steel drip edge at the base of masonry walls, over openings in masonry, below cast stone sills and below cast stone coping with plastic cell vent “weeps” installed in masonry head joints every 24” O.C. Additional cell vent weeps to be installed at the top of full height masonry walls every 24” O.C.

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